Readers’ Favorite Book Review #1

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers’ Favorite – 5 stars

In Endless Fall of Night by J.M. Erickson, The Third Republic is a highly segregated society with patricians at the helm. Other groups in the social strata include the plebs, surfers, and slaves. People are mistreated, and rape and the use of women as breeding tools are common. Cassandra is born a patrician, but after witnessing the brutality of what is going on, she embarks on a rebellious quest. The government catches up with her, and her trial sparks controversy as she is a first-class citizen. No support is available for Cassandra, and even her family doesn’t show up during the trial. The only comfort she has is that of her AI. Luckily, the AI has a plan on how to get back together with Cassandra after things calm down.

Endless Fall of Night by J.M. Erickson is thought-provoking on various issues, such as racism, and gets one to think of how the rising intolerance is affecting minorities and people of color. Another thing that captured my attention was the use of artificial intelligence. Human beings have an obligation to use artificial intelligence in a beneficial way, not just as a tool for control. The book also shows the role people should play when the system is repressive. The narration was excellent, and I loved how J.M. Erickson was effective in passing on the intended message. The characters were also well-developed, and the vivid descriptions captured the imagination of the reader. I am looking forward to reading something else by this talented author.