Readers’ Favorite Book Review #4

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers’ Favorite – 5 stars

Endless Fall of Night by J. M. Erickson is a dystopian novel that reimagines Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness in a futuristic setting, where themes of racism, slavery, and imperialism are prevalent. The story follows Cassandra XI, a patrician and first-class citizen who is convicted as an insurrectionist for questioning the social order. She is subsequently sent to prison, resulting in her separation from her best friend and AI brain companion, Aletheia. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she is approached by Captain Willard Bennett to investigate a mysterious event on Mars. This mission leads to a journey that changes her life as she meets new allies on her spacecraft and discovers the unexpected on Mars.

Endless Fall of Night is a gripping and thought-provoking story that addresses pressing social issues, including equality, rights, and racism, while also exploring the consequences of humanity’s darker impulses. The well-developed characters, especially Cassandra, are relatable and likable, making it easy to root for her as she navigates a treacherous world. The book’s organization and smooth narration make it an engaging and easy-to-follow read. J. M. Erickson’s inclusion of factual historical references adds authenticity, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the narrative. By weaving in real events and figures, Erickson creates a sense of familiarity and connection to the world of the story, making it easier for readers to become invested in the characters and plot. I enjoyed reading this book and am interested in Cassandra’s character, eager to see what comes next for her. I am also excited to witness her growth and evolution over the series.